EMBO Journal – April 29, 2015

lesturnerResearch News

Last month the lab published a review on the potential of using stem cells to probe disorders of the central nervous system at the EMBO Journal. You can read the full manuscript here (http://emboj.embopress.org/content/34/11/1456.long) Evangelos and lab members also attended …

ELA y La Nutrición

People living with ALS burn more calories because of the increased energy used in breathing, moving and muscle twitching. You may have challenges with low energy, maintaining weight and decreasing muscle mass. Proactively addressing your challenges can result in greater energy, strength and independence.

Faces of ALS: Renato

lesturnerFaces of ALS, Home Page

For Renato, despite having been a successful business owner and a politician, his family came first – even after his ALS diagnosis. Caring for his family and specifically his wife was his top priority. As many of us know, being …

How do I care for a feeding tube?


While you’re in the hospital, your ALS care team and hospital staff will show you how to take care of your feeding tube and give you instructions to follow when you go home. Before and after each time you use …

Are there other treatment options?


Whether you choose to use a feeding tube or not, you can work with your ALS care team to figure out an eating routine that works for you. A speech language pathologist can help you learn to swallow safely, so …