ALS & Participation in Clinical Research

ALS & Participation In Clinical Research En EspañolDownload guide (PDF)ContentsWhat is clinical research?What are the benefits of participating in a clinical research study?What are the phases of a clinical trial?How do I decide if I want to participate in a …

Are there any disadvantages of using a feeding tube?


It’s important to understand that using a feeding tube can’t cure ALS or stop your ALS symptoms. And there are some disadvantages of using a feeding tube. Select the disadvantages that are important to you. This tool will save your …

My ALS Decision Tool

You can use this tool to learn about your ALS treatment options and make important decisions about your care. As your disease progresses, your ALS care team may recommend treatments like breathing support or a feeding tube to help you stay as healthy and comfortable as possible. Even if you don’t have trouble breathing or eating on your own right now, it’s never too early to start planning ahead for your future care.

As you go through the tool, you’ll learn about some common ALS treatments, answer a few questions to help you think through what is most important to you, and get ready to talk with your ALS care team about your options.

What matters most to you


People choose to use or not to use a feeding tube for many different reasons. It all depends on what matters most to you. What’s more important to you? Remember, there’s no wrong answer. It’s always your decision whether to …

ALS Walk for Life

Get Involved  ALS Walk For Life At the Midwest’s largest ALS gathering, thousands of walkers form teams in support of people living with ALS, or who have passed away from ALS, to celebrate and honor their lives. Their efforts allow …

Communication Passport

Support Services My ALS Communication Passport to Quality Care The My ALS Communication Passport to Quality Care is a tool used to gather one’s personal and medical information pertinent to their daily care and quality of life. It is a …